Manufactured homes can be found throughout the Central Florida area. Manufactured homes, sometimes referred to as mobile homes, are a type of prefabricated housing that is mostly put together in factories and then transported to the property site. Manufactured homes are required to have a wheeled chassis permanently attached. This differentiates manufactured homes from modular homes. Modern manufactured homes, particularly double-wides, tend to be built to much higher standards than their predecessors. This has led to a reduction in the rate of value depreciation of many used units.
As you drive out to the Orlando suburbs, you will see many different manufactured homes. These homes and neighborhoods are most popular with retirees or snowbirds who are either living here in Central Florida for a few months during the year or who are on a budget. In fact, many people who hear the words ‘manufactured homes’ tend to think of Central Florida first.
Manufactured homes have given may people the opportunity to move and retire to Central Florida. And with the increased quality of these manufactured homes, it can be difficult, at times, to distinguish them from any other type of Orlando or Central Florida home. Please contact us today so that we may provide more information on manufactured homes.